Colegio Oficial de Geólogos
Es una institución sin finalidad lucrativa creada para la defensa y apoyo de los intereses de los Geólogos, es una corporación de Derecho Público, amparada por Ley y reconocida por el Estado, con personalidad jurídica propia y capacidad plena para el ejercicio de sus funciones y cumplimiento de sus fines.

GeoNews - EFG's monthly newsletter| January 2025

GeoNews - EFG's monthly newsletter| January 2025

GeoNews - EFG's monthly newsletter


Photo of the month


Dear ICOG,

As usual, we start our monthly newsletter with a brief overview of the most relevant policy news for our profession.

The European Parliament’s Members’ Research Service presents a new edition of its annual “10 issues to watch” publication. The report aims at introducing key topics that have the potential to feature prominently in public debate and on the EU’s political agenda, including economic productivity, the 2040 climate target, investment capacity or electric vehicles, among others.

The European Commission invites you to contribute to its call for evidence regarding the planned Single Market Strategy 2025. The Strategy will promote the cross-border provision of services and cross-border movement of goods. It will strive to ensure the existing rules are fully implemented, to remove existing regulatory and administrative barriers and to prevent new ones. The deadline for contributing is 31 January.

As reports ScienceIBusiness, Members of the European Parliament have presented amendments for an ITRE report regarding the role of the European Institute of Innovation & Technology within the European Union’s upcoming framework programme for Research and Innovation (FP10).

For more policy news, please also make sure to check out our Panels of Experts sections here below.

The EFG Secretariat takes this occasion to wish you all the best for 2025!



This month's headlines

Abstract submission for the 5th IPGC now open!

We are pleased to announce that the abstract submission period for the 5th International Professional Geology Conference (IPGC) is now open!

This is a unique opportunity to present and showcase your research, contributions, and advancements in geology at an event that brings together the leading professionals in the field. The deadline for abstract submissions is 28 February 2025.

You can find all the information at the following link:

The 5th IPGC is co-organised by the Spanish Official Association of Geologists (ICOG), the Portuguese Association of Geologists (APG), and the European Federation of Geologists (EFG). It will take place from 5 to 7 November 2025 in Zaragoza, Spain.

EFG starts an exciting collaboration with Brunton

We are thrilled to welcome Brunton as a new Essential sponsor! Brunton has been supplying the world’s geologists with quality compasses since 1894 and is excited to grow its support for the EFG starting in 2025. Brunton is in new hands, having been purchased in 2021 by the inventors of the Axis Transit, the revolutionary new model that can simultaneously measure dip azimuth and direction, strike and dip, trend and plunge, or bearing and angle. For the first time in the brand’s 130-year history, Brunton is a woman-owned, geologist-led, family business, proudly manufacturing all of its compasses in Riverton, Wyoming, USA.

Brunton is also excited to partner with Geologia365, its new official European distributor. EFG members can now receive 15% off all Brunton products at – use the discount code GEO365EFG at checkout!

We thank Brunton for the valuable support and look forward to a fruitful collaboration!



EFG will be represented at BDG booth at GeoTHERM

This year’s edition of GeoTHERM, Europe's largest geothermal trade fair and congress, will take place on 20 and 21 February in Offenburg, Germany.

EFG will be represented at the event by Janos Szanyi, coordinator of the EFG Panel of Experts on Geothermal. You can meet us at the booth of the Berufsverband Deutscher Geowissenschaftler, our German national member association!



Latest news from PERC

The Pan-European Reserves and Resources Reporting Committee (PERC) have released their latest newsletter summarising their activities during the second half of 2024, including a summary of outcomes of the last CRIRSCO AGM, and details of some of the planned activities for 2025.

PERC also draw your attention to the various training courses that will be held throughout 2025. You can find more information on their new dedicated training webpage.

GEODAYS Connect 2025!

Our Associate Member Pôle Avenia invites you to attend the 2025 edition of the GEODAYS, the only business convention covering all the subsoil industries.

The 2025 edition will be held on 11 and 12 March in a 100% online mode due to the occurrence of two major geosciences events in France in June, the usual timeframe for their event: the EAGE in Toulouse and the AFPG Geothermal Days in Biarritz, both of which the AVENIA cluster is associated with. As usual during the GEODAYS, there will a particular focus on B2B exchanges and opportunities for collaboration.




CEEGS video contest


The CEEGS project invites you to participate in our video contest and win great prizes. If you are at least 12 years old, check out the conditions for participation and submit your video!


Newsletter cover image - photo of the month


Public acceptance survey


CRM-geothermal launched a survey about the public acceptance of mining and geothermal project. This survey collects information on the background and reasons for public opposition or support to mining and geothermal projects.



Professional expertise

EFG Academy: New self-paced courses offering

The EFG Academy recently launched the first self-paced online courses:

  • Where and Why H2 Accumulation Could Be Prospected by Dr. Isabelle Moretti
  • Machine Learning for Geoscientists by Tom Meuzelaar
  • Environmental Geochemistry and the Mine Project Life Cycle by Tom Meuzelaar

This offering has been developed based on previous live courses and the recordings are now available upon demand.

Boost Your Geoscience Career: Join Our Mentoring Programme

Are you about to start your career in geosciences? Or would you like to take your career to the next level?
We invite you to participate in the EFGeoMentoring scheme. Over a fixed period of 9 months, you will receive advice and targeted support from an experienced professional, according to your individual goals.
The EFGeoMentoring scheme is open to post-Bachelor students in any field of geosciences and geoscience professionals at all career stages.
Check the conditions for participation and sign up:



#EFGinclusion: Statement by Dr. Silvia Paparella

As part of the 2024 #EFGinclusion campaign, we recently featured a video statement from Dr. Silvia Paparella, General Manager of RemTech Expo, that we had the chance to record during COP29.

Women leaders like Silvia inspire inclusion and drive systemic change in traditionally male-dominated fields such as geoscience. Female geoscience experts not only deliver impactful messages but also set an example for younger professionals, highlighting the importance of representation in decision-making roles.

Learn more and stay tuned for the 2025 series of #EFGinclusion posts!

EFGeoBlog: A Treasure Locked in Time - From Liaoning to Paris

During his state visit to France from May 5–7, 2024, President Xi Jinping presented President Emmanuel Macron with a reconstruction of Anchiornis huxleyi, including a replica fossil referred to as paleoart. This gift was a collaborative effort made possible by various palaeontologists, artists and technicians. The fossil was unearthed in Liaoning Province, China, renowned for its significance as the home of the earliest known feathered theropod dinosaur from the middle to late Jurassic period.

Read the blog post by EurGeol Meng Wang to learn more about this fascinating story linking science and diplomacy!


Panels of Experts


CCS & Hydrogen


The Clean Hydrogen Partnership recently announced the launch of its 2025 call for proposals to support renewable hydrogen projects under the Horizon Europe programme.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 23 April.





The European Parliament’s Think Tank has published a briefing on “Fostering participation in education and training throughout life”, emphasising the Parliament’s holistic view of lifelong learning, which argues that it should promote personal and professional growth, foster social participation and employability, and empower active citizens.





On 16 December, the Council of the European Union published its conclusions promoting geothermal energy. These conclusions encompass clear actions to accelerate the deployment of geothermal energy in Europe, highlighting the potential of geothermal energy as a local renewable energy source.

December also saw the start of the mandate of the new European Commission for the 2024-2029 legislative period. In this context, the Danish Commissioner for Energy and Housing, Dan Jørgensen, has also committed to a Geothermal Strategy.





The European Commission invites experts to participate in a stakeholder group dedicated to the reduction of dependencies on Critical Raw Materials (CRMs) with alternative Advanced Materials. Two stakeholders' workshops are planned, with the first one scheduled for 25 February 2025.

The European Commission also has an open call for feedback regarding a delegated directive on “Hazardous substances – exemption for lead as an alloying element in steel, aluminium and copper”. The deadline for contributing is 10 February.


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